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Coil Compression Springs Manufacturing Process

Views:710 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2022-06-27 10:19:24 Orgin:Site

The proven popularity of coil compression springs can be attributed to their reliable spring force, energy storing/releasing, and shock absorption mechanisms. They are manufactured to standard dimensions or custom orders and are the most favored type in the market. All coil compression springs function the same in a normal capacity but have different characteristics.


Manufacturing coil compression springs can be an arduous endeavor especially for those starting-up. Nevertheless, you have to fully understand the manufacturing process if you want to achieve ideal spring designs and thrive in the production journey. It should be well thought-out in order to provide frictionless, linear and massless designs for industrial or everyday uses. Today we’ll look into the basic steps of making quality assured coil compression springs.


Coil Compression Springs Manufacturing Process: Material Options

Hardened steel is the most suitable and preferred material for creating compression springs, while manufacturers have their unique techniques.  For instance, the choice to harden the steel before or after the formation process is preferential. Common options are:

     Stainless steel - The rusting property of this spring steel option makes it ideal for making springs ideal for moist operating environments.

     Music Wire - this is best for creating top quality coil springs for use for high strength applications.

     Oil Tempered Wire - This option is suitable for creating coil springs for standard applications or everyday use that do not require high strength.

     Chrome Silicon - This material is used on coil compression springs for high strength and high temperature applications. The quality is closely related to the one of oil tempered wire.

     Chrome Vanadium - Is best suited for creating coil springs for high temperature roles.


The Coil Compression Spring Manufacturing Process

Step 1. Winding

The first step of the manufacturing process is straightening the wire from its original shape and then bending it into the desired form.  The sub-processes involved in this stage are:

Coiling - This involves cold winding or hot winding. Hot winding is used to enhance the workability of thick wires while cold winding is used for coiling at room temperature.

Forming - This is where the manufacturer adds specific characteristics like bend and hoops to create the desired shapes.

Bending - The former uses a CNC machine for computer-controlled bending. The wire passes through rollers, then tooling heads which form the required bends.


Step 2. Heat Treatment

A coil compression spring should maintain its memory for increased reliability. This is where heat treating comes in. It can be done using different oven types at a set temperature and time, which are determined by the characteristics of the spring steel.


Step 3. Grinding

The main aim of this step is to enable sufficient load bearing. It is done using a grinding machine known as a spring grinder. This equipment flattens the spring so it doesn't teeter during vertical applications.


Step 4. Finishing

The last stage of the manufacturing process is finishing. The coil compression spring is either short peened, powder coated, or plated to enhance durability and improve the visual appearance.


How Do I Get the Coil Compression Spring Design Right?

The goal is to create the ideal strength, longevity and reliability for varying coil compression spring rolls. You need to follow the client’s dimension requirements but they are allowed flexibility in terms of how precise or vague their order is. Our professionals save you the hassle of getting entangled in the design complexity by providing assistance, even when you are on the wall on the coil compression springs characteristics you need.

For coil spring manufacturers, ensure you work through the order with your client for guidance on the manufacturing process.


Can Coil Compression Springs Be Welded?

Welding is not recommended for the coil compression spring manufacturing process because of their critical structure. The downside of welding is that it involves heating which can change the grain metallurgy. Also, welding does not favor the chemical compound of steel and can lead to functional failure. 


How Do I Make a Coil Compression Spring Stronger?

The spring rate of any coil compression spring is determined by factors like the manufacturing process, materials and design specifications. Is there an ideal coil compression spring? The simple answer is companies use different load demands and application parameters to make successful designs.

Nevertheless, you can create a stronger coil compression spring by regulating the overall wire and spring diameters.  Thicker wires have a stronger spring force compared to thinner ones.



There are many mechanical and physical requirements of manufacturing coil compression springs. It is important you take note that the ones highlighted on our write up are basic guidelines. Consult your customer for any additional information so you have a clear understanding of their application needs.

Our compression coil springs are manufactured using top quality materials by proficient employees using state of the art machinery. GL Metal is a leading manufacturer of thoroughly reliable compression springs. Contact us today for a prompt quote. 
