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Types of Garage Door Springs Explained Simply

Views:532 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2022-09-15 15:12:46 Orgin:Site

Garage door springs come in two main types: torsion springs and extension springs. Horizontal torsion springs are mounted above the door opening, while extension springs are attached to each side of the door tracks. Each type of spring is suited for a specific purpose. While each type of spring has distinct features, they all affect the operation and performance of the garage door differently.


Extension Springs

With a wide variety of applications, extension springs are the most popular type of garage door springs. They have an elongated and contracted nature that assists in the upward and downward movement of the door. Such springs are mounted above raceways on both sides of the tracks. When the door is closed then the extension springs expand to their maximum length and when it is opened, they retract. Extension springs have been common in outdated garage doors for a long time.

Extension springs are inexpensive and can be installed by a person himself. In addition, the danger is if they can crack. Such parts must be handled with care and replaced when it is needed. The springs are designed to last a limited time frame and they may require additional regular maintenance to ensure their proper working order. Spring extension, though simple, is a vital element of a garage door start up.


Torsion Springs

The other type is a torsion spring. Contrary to torsion springs that twist to create force, extension springs stretch out. They are attached horizontally right above the opening of the door. When the door closes, it causes the springs to be unwound, creating the stored energy. Then the springs take up the slack, carrying the door up. Torsion springs are quite robust and quite reliable.

Torsion springs are available in different sizes and strengths to support a variety of garage doors of various weights. They are much safer than extension springs as they don't snap out of the blue.


On the other hand, they can be dangerous when not handled properly. It is mandatory to adhere to safety standards when you are installing or repairing torsion springs. Regular maintenance will consequently lead to the extension of their lifespan as well ensure their smooth operation.


TorqueMaster Springs

TorqueMaster springs can be characterized as a special kind of torsion springs system. In contrast to being located above the door opening, TorqueMaster springs are installed inside a steel pipe. This design makes the springs contained and hence adds safety and protection. One can find TorqueMaster systems in most residential garage doors because of their safety features and ease of use.

The replacement of the TorqueMaster springs may be more complex than torsion springs as they are closed inside a tube. Specific equipment could be needed for servicing and repairing. On the other hand, the closed design minimizes the possibility of accidents and injuries. TorqueMaster springs provide homeowners with a convenient and secure option to their garage door systems.


Continuous Looped Extension Springs

Continuous looped extension springs are an alternative extension spring design to traditional ones. Instead of having coil springs on each side of the door, the continuous springs are a single long spring that runs parallel to the horizontal tracks. Such a design moves the weight of the door to more equal areas and makes the door work easier. Continuous looped extension springs are popular in today's garage door installation.

The name comes from their efficiency and durability. These ones are less maintenance demanding as compared to other kinds of springs. Continuous loop extension springs are designed to last through heavy usage and various environmental conditions.

However, like any spring on a garage door, eventually they will wear out and need replacement. Frequent checks can help curb any problems before they become worse.


What Role Do Springs Play in a Garage Door?

Garage door springs are important components that aid the movement of the door with the former mainly being in either extension or torsion arrangements mostly found in the latter. Traditional positions for torsion springs include at the top of the door frame pointing horizontally. While descending this action causes twisting motion on this particular garage door spring by means of associated cables at its bottom edge.


Should I Replace Both Springs Together?

Whether both garage door springs should be replaced together depends on how it is set up. If your garage door uses double springs for its lifting mechanism, you need to change them both even if only one appears faulty.


How Long Does a Garage Door Spring Usually Last?

Garage door springs typically last for an average period of seven to nine years. The lifespan of the spring is dependent on how often it is used. For instance, if you have a garage that operates almost every day and serves as the main entranceway, the spring’s life span may dip down to about four to six years.

This does not happen often but there are rare cases where a spring becomes faulty within one year. While you can replace them yourself if you wish, it would be safer if you sought professional assistance in order to avoid accidents.
